
Posts Tagged ‘Father’s business’

Kathi Macias



“Did you not know that I must be about My Father’s business?

. . . ‘Do business till I come’” (Luke 2:49; 19:13).


            Jesus was always in the right place at the right time. Why? Because conducting His Father’s business was His priority. As a result, He fulfilled His earthly mission. He has instructed us to do the same.

            How often have we lamented wrong turns and poor choices in our lives? I, for one, have long since run out of fingers and toes to count them on, and I imagine you have too. I also imagine Jesus didn’t have any of those regrets. Why? Because everything He said or did was at the direction of His Father.

            As those who call ourselves disciples of Jesus Christ, we need to be modeling ourselves after the manner of life He lived when He was here on earth. If that life was based upon obedience to the Father’s commands—and we know it was—then shouldn’t ours be the same? When our lives lack purpose and direction, it isn’t because God didn’t create us with a purpose or give us directions to fulfill that purpose; it’s because we have chosen to go our own way, to live our lives for ourselves. As a result, we end up frustrated, empty, and unfulfilled—no matter how many “toys” or accolades we may gain along the way.

            Jesus’ “business” during His thirty-three years of life on earth was to call people out of darkness and into God’s Kingdom, and He did it step-by-step, in response to the Father’s direction. Our day-to-day business should be conducted in the same way. There is no other purpose or achievement or pursuit that will give us the sense of fulfillment or joy we will attain by carrying out the Father’s business. And we can never do it without God’s Spirit dwelling within us and giving us the direction we need to successfully conduct that Kingdom business.

            I am committing myself to be a successful “Kingdom business” woman today, whatever that entails. Will you join me in that commitment so that we might see “God’s Kingdom come, on earth as it is in heaven”?

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